September 24, 2019Legitimating Reflective Writing in SoTLby Sophia Abbot When I first began working in higher education, I would ask students and faculty I worked with to reflect on transformative learning moments, how they felt about particular classroom experiences, or how they’d grown and changed over…
September 17, 2019International Service-Learningby Phillip MotleyImagine a group of college students, under the guidance of a professor, working on a community-driven project where the lived experience of members of that community and the problems they would like to solve are the driving force behind the…
September 13, 2019What is Work-Integrated Learning?by Julia BleakneyWork-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a well-theorized pedagogical practice that facilitates students’ learning through connecting or integrating experiences across academic and workplace contexts (Billett, 2009). Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s 2016 Practical Guide for Work-Integrated Learning offers a helpful introduction and resources for…
September 10, 2019Developing Attitudes and Habits of Mind for Mentorshipby Eric Hall, Sophia Abbot, and Hannah BellwoarIn fall 2010, Caroline Ketcham and I (Eric Hall) entered into a co-mentoring relationship with an undergraduate research student who was interested in hippotherapy (horse therapy) and the potential impacts that these programs could have on motor/postural changes as well…
September 3, 2019“Where are you from?”: Studying Abroad while at the Intersections between an American and Racial Minority Statusby Buffie Longmire-AvitalIn my previous blog, I discussed the common barriers students (including my collegiate self) encounter when considering a study abroad experience. Although, there is a growing discourse around the effective steps to address these barriers, discussion about the potential obstacles…