October 7, 20192020 Conference on Engaged Learning – Call for ProposalsJune 21-22, 2020 | Elon University, North Carolina The annual Conference on Engaged Learning showcases cutting-edge research on engaged learning. Each annual conference features multi-institutional research from a specific Center for Engaged Learning research seminar, invites research updates from past seminar…
October 31, 2016Academic Development Towards High-Impact Undergraduate Research and InquiryCALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Special Issue (early 2018) | International Journal for Academic Development Co-edited by Jessie L. Moore and Peter Felten, Center for Engaged Learning, Elon University Scholars around the globe have demonstrated that undergraduate research and inquiry (UR) significantly…
September 22, 2016Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience ConferenceConference Hosted by the Center for Engaged Learning June 11-12, 2017, at Elon University in Elon, North Carolina Proposals due by 5:00 PM on November 30, 2016 The Center for Engaged Learning invites proposals for conference papers, panel presentations, posters,…
October 8, 2015Call for Proposals – Mentoring Undergraduate ResearchThe Center for Engaged Learning is pleased to announce the Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, which will take place July 24-25, 2016, at Elon University, in Elon, North Carolina. The conference will feature a keynote address by George…
September 15, 2015Special Issue of PURM on Mentoring Undergraduate Research in the Professional DisciplinesThe importance of undergraduate research has been embraced by virtually every disciplinary corner of the academy; however, misconceptions still exist regarding undergraduate research in the more “applied” practices of professional schools, one of the fastest growing areas for undergraduate research…