A blue gradient with a text overlay, "When we worry about AI replacing student effort, trust seems like it matters the most."

AI and Academic Integrity

Some of the early conversation about generative AI in education was its affordances for cheating. There were scores of social media posts. Institutions held discussions about how much, if any, to invest in AI detection software. And several thinkpieces opined about the…

Image generated using Dall-E from the prompt “College professor having trouble pushing an iceberg with a robot embedded in it, black and white editorial cartoon style." A text overlay reads, "If the chatbot can solve your problems, does higher education still matter?"

AI, Higher Ed and the Hype Cycle

Is AI going to make our lives worse? An interesting study came out recently from Elon’s Imagining the Digital Future Center (Rainie and Husser 2024) that sort of asked that question, in relation to deep fakes (United States Government Accountability Office 2020) and politics…

Cars approach a border crossing. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. Making College Worth It. Crossing Borders at Home."

Crossing Borders at Home

Making College “Worth It” – Season 1, Episode 10 In this episode, we visit with Amanda Sturgill, Associate Professor of Journalism at Elon University, who co-edited Mind the Gap: Global Learning at Home and Abroad. She shares strategies for facilitating global…

Students in Costa Rica

Understanding global learning: Definitions matter

by Amanda Sturgill We have wrapped up the second summer meeting of the Center’s research seminar on Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience: Higher-Impact Study Abroad and Off-Campus Domestic Study. Five teams are making progress towards answering questions about the relationship…

Ghana Winter Term 2013 Elon Study Abroad

Privilege and Study Abroad

by Amanda Sturgill One of my most profound global learning moments came quite close to home. I was attending the WISE conference at Wake Forest. I was talking to a gentleman who provides international service-learning experiences in South America about…

iMedia Fly-In Client Project

Global Learning and the University Experience

by Amanda Sturgill What does it mean to learn globally? The seminar had a presence at the AAC&U Conference on Global Learning in College: Defining, Developing and Assessing Institutional Roadmaps conference in October 2015. Co-leader Neal Sobania was part of a…