June 21, 2021More than Words: Inclusion and Equity for Students with Disabilitiesby Caroline J. KetchamHopefully Extreme’s 1990 “More than Words” is starting to percolate in your head. Although you may not attach this song to inclusion and equity in higher education, the message of these lyrics is basically: Your actions are more meaningful than…
February 25, 2021Immersion, High-Impact Practices, and the Power of Combinationsby Phillip MotleyWe can thank George Kuh and colleagues at the Association of American Colleges & Universities for initially proposing the idea of “high-impact practices” (HIPs) as exemplar components of a college student’s learning experience in the AA&U publication, High-Impact Educational Practices: What…
October 30, 2020Making College “Worth It”by Sophia Abbot and Lucia-Maribel CraigeAlthough day-to-day life for college students is far from normal, right now, faculty and staff can continue to help the class of 2024 pursue a journey of self-discovery. How can students make the most of their experience? Educational scholars George…
October 27, 2020Is College Worth It? Alumni Say High-Impact Experiences Make College Worthwhileby Jessie L. Moore, Peter Felten, Jason Husser, and Kaye UsryWhat is the value of an undergraduate education? Scholars, politicians, and families have debated that question for decades. Research consistently demonstrates the economic payoff of earning a degree, but is that enough to make college “worth it” for students? In…
July 6, 2020What even is a HIP?by David Buck(Understanding HIPs through a Theoretical Model – Part 2) In my previous post, I started deconstructing the idea of high impact practices (HIPs), with the goal of articulating a definition that would be useful to researchers and teachers. To do…
July 2, 2020Critical Mentoring in HIPs: A Reparative Frameworkby Buffie Longmire-AvitalAfter a week of rain, my two sons and I pulled out the picnic blanket, rounded up board games, and headed outside for much needed sun and play. The days of pandemic virtual learning are long; we all needed a…
June 18, 2020Understanding HIPs through a Theoretical Modelby David BuckAs the next Center for Engaged Learning Scholar, I wanted to write my first post on something that we might take for granted – the definition of a High-Impact Practice (HIP). If you find yourself reading this blog, then you…
July 31, 2018Starting a Conversation about High-impact Practices Onlineby Katie Linder and Chrysanthemum Mattison HayesAs institutions of higher education focus more and more of their attention on student success initiatives, interventions to impact student retention, and increased graduation rates, we have all been challenged to develop innovative ways to nurture and enhance student success….
July 27, 2016ePortfolio as High-Impact Practiceby Jessie L. MooreAt the recent Conference On Excellent Practice in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, George Kuh announced a new addition to the Association of American Colleges and Universities list of High-Impact Educational Practices (HIPs). The addition of ePortfolio extends the association’s list to eleven…