August 28, 2018The Package I am Inby Buffie Longmire-AvitalYears ago I was reading a book with my oldest son, who after looking at the various dyadic pairs of characters on a particular page began to observe out loud who “matched” and who didn’t. He then moved the conversation…
August 22, 2018Partnership-based pedagogy and its discontentsby Ketevan KupatadzeIn this blog I continue to reflect on my experience with student-faculty partnership during the spring of 2018 and the lessons learnt not only in regards to partnerships, but also teaching and learning in general. Here I focus specifically on…
August 15, 2018Center Hosts Fall 2018 Reading GroupsThe Center for Engaged Learning will host two reading groups this fall for Elon University faculty, staff, and graduate students. Students as Partners 2017-2019 CEL Scholar Ketevan Kupatadze and 2018-2020 CEL Graduate Apprentice Sophia Abbot will facilitate discussions about Engaging Students…
August 14, 2018Center Staff Featured on PodcastsExecutive Director, Peter Felten, and Director, Jessie L. Moore, both were featured on podcasts recently. Dr. Felten spoke with Teaching in Higher Ed about research on engaging learners (episode 216). Read more about this topic on the Center’s blog. Dr. Moore…
August 2, 2018Reflections on our experiences with partnership on course (re)designby Lucia Maribel Craige, Erin Jenkins, and Ketevan Kupatadze In this blog post we continue reflecting on our experience with student-faculty partnership on course (re)design. Here we address some of the transformational features of student-faculty partnership and offer our thoughts…
July 31, 2018Starting a Conversation about High-impact Practices Onlineby Katie Linder and Chrysanthemum Mattison HayesAs institutions of higher education focus more and more of their attention on student success initiatives, interventions to impact student retention, and increased graduation rates, we have all been challenged to develop innovative ways to nurture and enhance student success….
July 26, 2018The High Impact of Engaging Race Consciously by Buffie Longmire-AvitalFor over a decade, Kuh’s (2008) work on the critical importance of engaged learning has shaped the undergraduate college and university experience. Taking part in at least one engaged learning practice, dubbed “High Impact Practices,” at some point during a…
July 24, 2018Reflections on the benefits of student-faculty partnershipsby Lucia Maribel Craige, Erin Jenkins, and Ketevan KupatadzeIn this blog post we continue reflecting on our experience with student-faculty partnership on course (re)design. Here we will be responding to two reflective questions: Student-faculty partnership is a relatively new concept for faculty and for students. Those of us…
July 19, 2018The heart of engaged learning: What students do and thinkby Peter FeltenHerbert Simon, one of the most influential American academics of the 20th century, succinctly described the micro-level of student engagement: “Learning results from what the student does and thinks and only from what the student does and thinks. The teacher…
July 17, 2018Reflections on our experiences with partnership on course (re)designby Lucia Maribel Craige, Erin Jenkins, and Ketevan KupatadzeFollowing our recent experience with student-faculty partnership on course (re)design, we offer some thoughts on the process, its purpose, its benefits, and some of the risks involved. Throughout several future blog posts, we – Lucia, Erin, and Ketevan – reflect…