Two women sit at a desk. One has a laptop open with her hand hovering over the trackpad. Both have cups and saucers in front of them. An overlay reads, "Talking Through Feedback."

Dialogic Feed-Forward

60-Second SoTL – Episode 16 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and examines the long-term feedback literacy outcomes of supplementing written feedback with a student-instructor meeting to discuss student-led action plans for improvement: Hill, Jennifer,…

8 lightbulbs glow against a wall. Each lightbulb's cord winds together to a central hub. A quote reads "We left the seminar with emotionally rich connections to our participants, as well as a newfound confidence in our roles as supportive student scholars."

Through the Eyes of a Student: Integration in Practice

Last year, we, as CEL Student Scholars, had the pleasure of attending the 2021 meeting of the (Re)Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Research Seminar, in which we dealt with imposter syndrome, budding relationships with participants, and developing our own body…

Two light-skinned young people are shown from behind as they sit at a table at the back of a classroom. They look behind themselves, to something beyond the visible image. In front of them, toward the front of the classroom, many other young people of varying gender and skin tone sit at rows of tables and face the front of the classroom. A medium-skinned woman stands at the front of the classroom, gesturing out toward the rows of young people. Behind her is a projected image that is not discernable from this distance. The same image is projected in multiple locations on every wall of the classroom.

PowerPointers: Making the Most of Slide Decks

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 4 Dr. Sarah Morrison-Smith is a new faculty member at Hamilton College, where the institutional culture leans away from PowerPoint in the classroom. Our panel of Jill McSweeney, Scott Spurlock, and Christina Wyatt…

A hand holds a marker putting the finishing touches on an arrow pointing right. Above the arrow is the phrase "future-oriented feedback."

Future-Oriented Feedback

60-Second SoTL – Episode 15 Featuring an open-access article from the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, this episode explores how feedback type, feedback orientation, and goal orientation inform feedback effectiveness for student learning: Paulson Gjerde, Kathy, Deborah Skinner, and…

A group of people stand in front of a house with a grass roof. One person is pointing to something ahead of the group but out of frame. An overlay reads, "Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts."

Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

60-Second SoTL – Episode 14 This week’s episode features an article from the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching and explores how faculty and staff support learning and development when they mentor undergraduate research in global contexts: Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Amy L….

Two people sit at a table with a book open in front of them. One points at a line with a pencil, while the other person rests their hand on the page. An overlay reads, "Staff Experiences Supporting Diverse Learners"

Staff Experiences Supporting Students from Equity Groups

60-Second SoTL – Episode 13 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Studies in Higher Education and examines academic and support staff members’ experiences supporting low socio-economic status and non-traditional students: Macqueen, Suzanne, Erica Southgate, and Jill Scevak. (2022). “Supporting students from equity groups:…

Duwamish river with industrial equipment and tires lining one bank. Overlayed text reads: "Place-Based Learning Along the Duwamish. CEL Podcasts."

Place-Based Learning Along the Duwamish

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 3 Dr. Ben Machado, from South Seattle College, recently received a grant to incorporate place-based learning into his introductory biology classroom. Panelists Kelsey Bitting, Scott Morrison, and Dani Toma-Harrold provide ideas and insight…

Cartoon image of a person pointing to five stars above cartoon representations of rating or review comments. To the side, text reads: "Feedback encounters: Understanding how students engage with feedback. Listen now."

Feedback Encounters

60-Second SoTL – Episode 12 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education and explores feedback encounters as a framework for studying feedback processes: Jensen, Lasse X., Margaret Bearman, and David Boud. 2022. “Feedback Encounters:…