November 28, 2018A Continuum of Research: Assistants, Partners, and Undergraduate Researchersby Sophia AbbotOne of the most powerful experiences of my undergraduate career was spending a summer writing and researching with Dr. Alison Cook-Sather. While the official job title was “research assistant,” I was doing much more than supporting Dr. Cook-Sather’s ongoing work…
November 15, 2018The Art of Crafting a Mentored CUREby Buffie Longmire-AvitalIn my last post, I argued that course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) can be a stepping stone for a student’s path toward mentored undergraduate research, but to yield equitable impact for historically underrepresented minority students (HURMS), CUREs must include mentorship…
November 1, 2018Practices for High Quality Undergraduate Research Mentoringby Eric HallUndergraduate research (UR) has been called a high impact practice because of its importance in student engagement and success (Kuh, 2008). To achieve these benefits, high quality mentoring is necessary, however little research has investigated this UR mentoring. In an…
October 30, 2018Lessons from Peer Tutoring Towards Mentoring Undergraduate Researchby Sophia Abbot As I’ve reflected on the findings of my recent collaborative research and subsequent blog post on peer tutoring, I’ve begun to consider ways lessons from that work might inform practices in other student-instructor relationships. What I mean…
October 25, 2018Reflecting on Course-Based Undergraduate Research (CUREs)by Buffie Longmire-AvitalBangera and Brownell (2014) lay out a compelling list of barriers students encounter while attempting to engage in undergraduate research. The authors also argue that, given the institutional nature of some of these barriers (e.g., implicit bias or lack of…
September 18, 2018Seven Potential Barriers to Engaging in Undergraduate Research for HURMSby Buffie Longmire-AvitalThere is no shortage of evidence celebrating the advantages of engaging in undergraduate research or its firm position as one of the 11 high-impact educational practices, such as the building of confidence and efficacy in students, being cited as the…
October 31, 2016Academic Development Towards High-Impact Undergraduate Research and InquiryCALL FOR SUBMISSIONS | Special Issue (early 2018) | International Journal for Academic Development Co-edited by Jessie L. Moore and Peter Felten, Center for Engaged Learning, Elon University Scholars around the globe have demonstrated that undergraduate research and inquiry (UR) significantly…
October 12, 2016Undergraduate Research in SoTL as a High-Impact Practiceby Jessie L. Moore The 2016 Pre-ISSOTL Council of Undergraduate Research Symposium challenged participants to consider the intersections between Undergraduate Research (UR) and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Although some might suggest that work at this intersection is underdeveloped and…
August 1, 2016George Kuh on High Impact Undergraduate InquiryOn July 25, 2016, George Kuh presented at the Center’s Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. His closing keynote (video below) focused on “Ensuring that Undergraduate Inquiry is a High Quality High-Impact Practice.” How to cite this post: George…
July 29, 2016Brad Johnson on Excellent Practices in Mentoring URBrad Johnson presented the opening keynote at the Center’s Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research. He examined “Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research: What We’ve Learned & Lingering Mysteries” (video below). How to cite this post: Brad Johnson…