January 21, 2016Emerging Research and Lingering Questions about Scaling Access to Mentored Undergraduate ResearchAssociation of American Colleges and Universities 2016 Meeting | January 21, 2016 | 1:30-2:30 PM Presenters: Jessie L. Moore, Associate Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, Elon University Jenny Shanahan, Director of Undergraduate Research, Bridgewater State University Laura Behling,…
January 21, 2016Connected Curriculum at the University College of Londonby Susannah McGowan The Connected Curriculum represents the University College of London’s (UCL) values-based approach to connecting its excellent reputation for world-renowned research to educational practices across the institution. European theoretical underpinnings of the initiative emphasize development of dispositions, talents,…
October 8, 2015Call for Proposals – Mentoring Undergraduate ResearchThe Center for Engaged Learning is pleased to announce the Conference on Excellent Practices in Mentoring Undergraduate Research, which will take place July 24-25, 2016, at Elon University, in Elon, North Carolina. The conference will feature a keynote address by George…
September 22, 2015Mentoring Relationships in Undergraduate Researchby Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler and Caroline KetchamIn the second summer of the CEL seminar on Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research (UR), participants worked to identify the key characteristics of mentoring relationships in the context of student, faculty and institutional development. We identified factors that contribute to…
September 15, 2015Special Issue of PURM on Mentoring Undergraduate Research in the Professional DisciplinesThe importance of undergraduate research has been embraced by virtually every disciplinary corner of the academy; however, misconceptions still exist regarding undergraduate research in the more “applied” practices of professional schools, one of the fastest growing areas for undergraduate research…
August 25, 2015Students' Tips for Future Undergraduate Researchersby Jessie L. Moore A growing number of publications offer tips for faculty, undergraduate research programs, and institutions about how to support undergraduate research (UR). The Council on Undergraduate Research’s (CUR) Characteristics of Excellence in Undergraduate Research, for example, identifies core features…
August 4, 2015Mentor-Mentee Relationships in Undergraduate Researchby Jessie L. Moore Faculty mentors play a significant role in making undergraduate research (UR) a high-impact educational practice. Kuh and O’Donnell (2013) contend that the deepest engagement in UR occurs when students participate in all aspects of the research process…
July 28, 2015Student Perspectives on the Value of Undergraduate Researchby Jessie L. Moore As a high-impact educational practice, undergraduate research (UR) can have significant impacts on student learning. UR can lead to better student retention and engagement (Kuh, 2008) and foster deep student learning of critical thinking, effective communication,…
April 14, 2015Significant Questions and Challenges in Mentoring Undergraduate ResearchWhat are the significant questions and challenges in mentoring undergraduate research? We asked participants in the Center’s research seminar on Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research to share the pressing questions they’re identifying. Those questions include: What are the salient characteristics and boundaries…
March 24, 2015Scaling Undergraduate Research Access and SuccessWhat can faculty mentors and institutions do to scale access to and student success in undergraduate research? We asked participants in the Center’s research seminar on Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research to share strategies for extending access and success. The scholars emphasize that: Acknowledging…