March 23, 2021How Alumni Writers Define Writing Success and Negotiate Writing in the Workplaceby Julia BleakneyThis post is the first in a series in which we feature the ongoing scholarship of each research team participating in the Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) 2019-2021 research seminar on Writing Beyond the University: Fostering Writers’ Lifelong Learning and…
March 11, 2021Coding Visuals in Writing Beyond the University Researchby Paula RosinskiWriting Studies research has long attended to and included visuals, especially in the sub-fields of visual rhetoric, professional writing, and technical communication. For example, scholars have examined and developed taxonomies of the relationship between words and images, the visual design…
September 30, 2020New Scholarship on Writing Beyond the University: Writers’ Complex Experiencesby Julia BleakneyNew studies seek to update the field of Writing Studies’ understanding of writing beyond the university by explaining how writers enter into and navigate these spheres, writers’ complex roles in non-curricular writing contexts, or the kinds of writing they conduct….
August 12, 2020What Makes Workplace Writing Meaningful?by Julia BleakneyWhat factors related to college writing make it meaningful to students? Are these the same factors that make workplace writing meaningful to alumni? The meaningfulness of college writing is an important concept for educators and administrators. In their analysis of…
August 4, 2020A Snapshot of Employers’ Expectations of Graduates’ Skills and Abilities in Technical Communicationsby Paula RosinskiIn a previous blog post, Julia Bleakney discussed some of the methods and documents that researchers have used to “capture employers’ expectations for the communication skills and abilities of college graduates in technical and engineering fields.” In this blog, I’ll…
January 9, 2020How do researchers access employers for their studies of workplace writing? by Julia BleakneyIn this blog post, I discuss the methods and documents researchers have used to capture employers’ expectations for the communication skills and abilities of college graduates in technical and engineering fields. These studies take as a “given” previous studies’ claims…
September 13, 2019What is Work-Integrated Learning?by Julia BleakneyWork-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a well-theorized pedagogical practice that facilitates students’ learning through connecting or integrating experiences across academic and workplace contexts (Billett, 2009). Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario’s 2016 Practical Guide for Work-Integrated Learning offers a helpful introduction and resources for…
August 14, 2019Key Scholarship Identified by Writing Beyond the University Seminar ParticipantsWriting Beyond the University: Fostering Writers’ Lifelong Learning and Agency seminar leaders – Julia Bleakney, Paula Rosinski, and Jessie L. Moore – asked seminar participants each to share citations and brief annotations for two texts (e.g., articles, chapters, books, etc.)…
July 31, 2019High Impact Undergraduate Experiences and How They Matter NowThe Center for Engaged Learning and the Elon Poll recently collaborated on a national survey of nearly 1,600 U.S. college graduates, age 18-34, to: Explore how commonly graduates experienced high impact undergraduate experiences, including meaningful relationships with faculty, undergraduate research,…
July 26, 2019Writing Beyond the University: Future Directions for Writing Transfer Research and PracticeCouncil of Writing Program Administrators 2019 Conference | Baltimore, MD | July 26, 2019 | 9:20-10:20 AM Speakers: Julia Bleakney, Director of the Writing Center and Assistant Professor of English, Elon University Heather Lindenmann, Coordinator of ENG 110 and Assistant…