Cars approach a border crossing. Overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. Making College Worth It. Crossing Borders at Home."

Crossing Borders at Home

Making College “Worth It” – Season 1, Episode 10 In this episode, we visit with Amanda Sturgill, Associate Professor of Journalism at Elon University, who co-edited Mind the Gap: Global Learning at Home and Abroad. She shares strategies for facilitating global…

A group of students and a local community partner stand in front of a thatch-roofed building, pointing and looking at something out of frame to the left. Overlays read, "60-Second SoTL. Mentoring Undergraduate Research in global Contexts."

Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

60-Second SoTL – Episode 45 This week’s episode shares an open-access article from New Directions in Teaching and Learning and examines how U.S.-based colleges and universities support mentoring of undergraduate research in global contexts: Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Eric E. Hall, Amy L….

World globe on top of a dictionary in a library. "Weaver examines the barriers that hinder minority students from participating in Study Abroad and how to combat these.

Barriers to HURMS Study Abroad Engagement

Studying abroad is a high-impact practice with a multitude of benefits (Truelove 2023). Increasingly, employers are seeking graduates with cross-cultural experience, a global perspective, and critical thinking skills. In addition, research suggests that undergraduate students who participate in study abroad…

In a forest, a faculty member and two students interact "faculty staff and student should consider the length of study away programs and how that may impact their experiences"

Lengths of Study-Away Programs 

Traditionally, higher education institutions refer to study away or study abroad as a semester-long experience taken in the fall or spring terms in a country different from the student’s own. Semester-long experiences allow you to complete one or more courses…

To the left, a stack of small notebooks sit in front of a cup of pencils. On top of the notebooks is a small globe with a graduation cap on it. A banner at the top reads, "Incorporating high-impact practices in study away." A second overlay reads, "Part 1 of a 4 episode series on study away."

Incorporating High-Impact Practices in Study Away

60-Second SoTL – Episode 20 This episode, hosted by Vanessa Truelove, follows up on the blog post, “High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs.” Specifically, it features two articles that study the effects of combining elements of high…