World globe on top of a dictionary in a library. "Weaver examines the barriers that hinder minority students from participating in Study Abroad and how to combat these.

Barriers to HURMS Study Abroad Engagement

Studying abroad is a high-impact practice with a multitude of benefits (Truelove 2023). Increasingly, employers are seeking graduates with cross-cultural experience, a global perspective, and critical thinking skills. In addition, research suggests that undergraduate students who participate in study abroad…

A woman sits at a wooden bench, using a soldering tool. A desktop computer sits further back on the table. In the background, other people are working at Maker Hub stations, but their specific projects aren't visible. A text overlay reads, "Limed: Teaching with a Twist. Course Construction: Bridging the Academy. CEL Podcasts."

Course Construction: Bridging the Academy

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 6 Dr. Katherine Fox is a medical anthropologist from Southern Oregon University. As her university is adopting a new general education requirement, she is working on developing a new course that centers creativity…

In a forest, a faculty member and two students interact "faculty staff and student should consider the length of study away programs and how that may impact their experiences"

Lengths of Study-Away Programs 

Traditionally, higher education institutions refer to study away or study abroad as a semester-long experience taken in the fall or spring terms in a country different from the student’s own. Semester-long experiences allow you to complete one or more courses…

To the left, a stack of small notebooks sit in front of a cup of pencils. On top of the notebooks is a small globe with a graduation cap on it. A banner at the top reads, "Incorporating high-impact practices in study away." A second overlay reads, "Part 1 of a 4 episode series on study away."

Incorporating High-Impact Practices in Study Away

60-Second SoTL – Episode 20 This episode, hosted by Vanessa Truelove, follows up on the blog post, “High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs.” Specifically, it features two articles that study the effects of combining elements of high…

A pair of sunglasses on top of a three stacked books on a table with a beach in the background.

High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs

High-impact practices (HIPs) are educationally purposeful activities that increase the likelihood of students achieving desired learning outcomes (Buck 2020). Within the American Association of Colleges & University’s official list of 11 high-impact practices, studying away is identified under Diversity/Global Learning…

Two women sit at a table. One holds a notebook, which both are looking at. The other holds a mug, poised to take a sip. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: Emotions & Dialogic Feed-Forward."

Instructors’ Emotions Associated with Dialogic Feed-Forward

60-Second SoTL – Episode 19 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and examines instructors’ emotional responses when they give students assessment feedback: Hill, Jennifer, Kathy Berlin, Julia Choate, Lisa Cravens-Brown, Lisa McKendrick-Calder, and Susan Smith. 2023. “Emotions…