February 28, 2023Barriers to HURMS Study Abroad Engagementby Aly WeaverStudying abroad is a high-impact practice with a multitude of benefits (Truelove 2023). Increasingly, employers are seeking graduates with cross-cultural experience, a global perspective, and critical thinking skills. In addition, research suggests that undergraduate students who participate in study abroad…
February 23, 2023Alternatives to Studying Abroad During the COVID-19 Pandemicby Elana Gutmann60-Second SoTL – Episode 22 This week’s episode, hosted by Elana Gutmann, features an open-access proceedings article that explores three alternatives to studying abroad for students enrolled at Setsunan University in Japan during the global COVID pandemic: Chu, Curtis, and Yusuke…
February 21, 2023Learning from the Past: Alternative Ways to Build Intercultural Competencyby Elana GutmannEven before the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and universities around the world found ways to make studying away more accessible to students, particularly through virtual platforms and trips into their local communities. A few programs are discussed in more detail below,…
February 20, 2023Course Construction: Bridging the Academyby Matt WittsteinLimed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 6 Dr. Katherine Fox is a medical anthropologist from Southern Oregon University. As her university is adopting a new general education requirement, she is working on developing a new course that centers creativity…
February 16, 2023Comparing Impacts of Long-Term versus Short-Term Study Awayby Howard Chi60-Second SoTL – Episode 21 This episode, hosted by Howard Chi, is a continuation of the blog post “Lengths of Study Away Programs.” It features a longitudinal study that compared the educational impact of long-term versus short-term study away: Coker, Jeffrey…
February 14, 2023Lengths of Study-Away Programs by Howard ChiTraditionally, higher education institutions refer to study away or study abroad as a semester-long experience taken in the fall or spring terms in a country different from the student’s own. Semester-long experiences allow you to complete one or more courses…
February 9, 2023Incorporating High-Impact Practices in Study Awayby Vanessa Truelove60-Second SoTL – Episode 20 This episode, hosted by Vanessa Truelove, follows up on the blog post, “High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs.” Specifically, it features two articles that study the effects of combining elements of high…
February 8, 2023High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programsby Vanessa TrueloveHigh-impact practices (HIPs) are educationally purposeful activities that increase the likelihood of students achieving desired learning outcomes (Buck 2020). Within the American Association of Colleges & University’s official list of 11 high-impact practices, studying away is identified under Diversity/Global Learning…
February 2, 2023Instructors’ Emotions Associated with Dialogic Feed-Forwardby Jessie L. Moore60-Second SoTL – Episode 19 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and examines instructors’ emotional responses when they give students assessment feedback: Hill, Jennifer, Kathy Berlin, Julia Choate, Lisa Cravens-Brown, Lisa McKendrick-Calder, and Susan Smith. 2023. “Emotions…