A background of colorful geometric shapes with an overlay that reads, "The beauty of language is that it constantly evolves, so it's always a valuable exercise to reconsider how we write and how our readers may react to our words."

Inclusive Writing for International Audiences

Using inclusive language makes your audiences feel welcome and respected, reduces distraction for the reader, and maintains your (and our!) credibility. The books in our Open Access Book Series are downloaded by readers across the world, so we pay particular…

World globe on top of a dictionary in a library. "Weaver examines the barriers that hinder minority students from participating in Study Abroad and how to combat these.

Barriers to HURMS Study Abroad Engagement

Studying abroad is a high-impact practice with a multitude of benefits (Truelove 2023). Increasingly, employers are seeking graduates with cross-cultural experience, a global perspective, and critical thinking skills. In addition, research suggests that undergraduate students who participate in study abroad…

A woman sits at a wooden bench, using a soldering tool. A desktop computer sits further back on the table. In the background, other people are working at Maker Hub stations, but their specific projects aren't visible. A text overlay reads, "Limed: Teaching with a Twist. Course Construction: Bridging the Academy. CEL Podcasts."

Course Construction: Bridging the Academy

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 6 Dr. Katherine Fox is a medical anthropologist from Southern Oregon University. As her university is adopting a new general education requirement, she is working on developing a new course that centers creativity…

In a forest, a faculty member and two students interact "faculty staff and student should consider the length of study away programs and how that may impact their experiences"

Lengths of Study-Away Programs 

Traditionally, higher education institutions refer to study away or study abroad as a semester-long experience taken in the fall or spring terms in a country different from the student’s own. Semester-long experiences allow you to complete one or more courses…

To the left, a stack of small notebooks sit in front of a cup of pencils. On top of the notebooks is a small globe with a graduation cap on it. A banner at the top reads, "Incorporating high-impact practices in study away." A second overlay reads, "Part 1 of a 4 episode series on study away."

Incorporating High-Impact Practices in Study Away

60-Second SoTL – Episode 20 This episode, hosted by Vanessa Truelove, follows up on the blog post, “High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs.” Specifically, it features two articles that study the effects of combining elements of high…

A pair of sunglasses on top of a three stacked books on a table with a beach in the background.

High-Impact Practices Abroad: The Key to Enriching Study Away Programs

High-impact practices (HIPs) are educationally purposeful activities that increase the likelihood of students achieving desired learning outcomes (Buck 2020). Within the American Association of Colleges & University’s official list of 11 high-impact practices, studying away is identified under Diversity/Global Learning…