White bold texts reads "When solvable problems arise in mentoring relationships, conflict can actually be constructive" on blue painted brick with white arrow cutting across. Elon CEL logo in bottom left corner.

Help!: When Problems Arise in Mentoring Relationships

Just like any other relationship, differences in opinions, values, and desires can lead to problems in mentoring as the relationship advances. Problems in mentoring might lead to superficial interactions, below-average engagement, unmet expectations, and difficulty relating to one another (Eby…

Black text reads"Over 1,800 faculty say time, institutional factors, and well-being are barriers to creating relationsuops with and among students." In the background is angular layers of opaque gray overtop a black and white image of students and faculty in motion going up and down a stairwell on a college campus.

What Are Barriers to Relationship-Rich Education? Faculty Perspectives  

Student-faculty, student-staff, and student-student relationships contribute significantly to student learning, motivation, identity development, well-being, graduation rates, and post-graduation career and civic outcomes in higher education (Mayhew et al. 2016; Felten and Lambert 2020). The effects of student-faculty interactions are particularly…

A student intern hands their boss sitting down at a desk a blue binder. Text overlays read, "CEL Podcasts. Making College Worth It. Exploring the Value of Work-Integrated Learning."

Exploring the Value of Work-Integrated Learning 

Making College “Worth It”- Season 2, Episode 3 This episode covers the complexities of a work-integrated learning experience, including both the benefits and the challenges. With guests, Dr. CJ Fleming, an associate professor of psychology, and Annelise Weaver, a senior…

White girl with long hair in a bun covers face with open book. Text set on a yellow background reads: "... regardless of the hours of hard work and dedication I put forth, I began to feel as if my success was impossible.”

Learning Disabilities, Meet Learned Helplessness

I am currently undertaking the course Educational Psychology here at Elon. While I was reading a section of my course textbook, I came across a statement that has been stuck in my head all week: “Students with learning disabilities might…

A young, curly-haired man shakes his professor’s hand in front of a chalkboard. Overlayed text reads: “Journey to the Professoriate. CEL Podcasts. Limed: Teaching with a Twist”

Journey to the Professoriate

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Season 3, Episode 2 Pierce Johnson, a graduate student at the University of Albany, finds himself knowing he wants to be teaching-centered as a professor in the future, but his graduate program, as many…

White text overlaid on an opaque teal box reads "My own trials with AI tools have made me think of it like a person who has trouble saying 'I don't know.'" The background images create a brick pattern of AI-generated illustrations of web browsers, internet symbols, and students studying.

AI and the Truthiness of Search

I like to have an engaging activity for my first-years on the first day of class, and this year, I did a sticky note discussion. Students have a series of prompts, write their responses on sticky notes, and we put…