Three students and a woman stand together in a greenhouse. The students hold gardening tools, and they are listening to the woman. Text overlay reads "How might mentees benefit from an improved understanding of their own contributions to meaningful mentoring they receive?"

A Personal Reflection on What Makes Mentoring Great

I grew up on a mountainside in rural Appalachia and spent nearly every day of my childhood playing outside. Being from a low-income family and surrounded by the natural world, I entertained myself by exploring plants, animals, soil, water, and…

Qualitative Methods for the Quantitatively Inclined

Coming up in my graduate program, there was a major split between the researchers who used quantitative methods (i.e., surveys and experiments) vs. those who used qualitative methods (i.e., interviews and focus groups). In part, I think this reflected a…

A professor asks her student a question at a table in a building with glass walls: the professor is bright-eyed and gesturing “OK” with her hands while the student has her hands facing inward while she looks reflective on the question. Overlayed text reads: “REFRESH: Demonstrating Knowledge Using Oral Assessment. New episode now available.”

Refresh: Demonstrating Knowledge Using Oral Assessments

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 11 In this episode of Limed: Teaching with a Twist, Matt Wittstein follows up with Mark Burnham from Season 1, Episode 8, “Demonstrating Knowledge Using Oral Assessments.” Matt and Mark discuss Mark’s experience…

Duwamish river with industrial equipment and tires lining one bank. Overlayed text reads: "REFRESH: Place-Based Learning Along the Duwamish. CEL Podcasts"

Refresh: Place-Based Learning Along the Duwamish

Limed: Teaching with a Twist – Episode 10 In this episode of Limed: Teaching with a Twist, host, Matt Wittstein follows-up with Dr. Ben Machado from Season 1, Episode 3 “Place-Based Learning Along the Duwamish.” Matt and Ben have a…

Three hands reach in from different directions to add pieces to a puzzle. An overlay reads "Expertise in," and the puzzle features the word "partnership."

Through the Eyes of a Student: Expertise We Bring

As undergraduate CEL Student Scholars working with the Center for Engaged Learning, we often are asked what our roles entail. Both in the context of the research itself, as well as in our partnerships, this collaborative leadership team was developed…

A stack of post-it notes has a check mark and "quality" written on the top sticky note. A figure linking four icons of people is labeled disciplinary inclusivity. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: High-Quality and Disciplinary-Inclusive SoTL?"

High-Quality, Disciplinary-Inclusive SoTL

60-Second SoTL – Episode 37 This week’s episode features an article from the open-access International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and considers how successfully the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) balances quality with disciplinary inclusivity: McSweeney, Jill and…

Haphazard stacks of books cover a table. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: SoTL Literature Reviews."

SoTL Literature Reviews

60-Second SoTL – Episode 36 This week’s episode features an article from the open-access journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, and examines strategies for writing a literature review on scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL): Healey, Mick, and Ruth Healey. 2023. “Reviewing the Literature on…

Two people working in a library. One is working on a computer, while also holding a pencil. The other is watching while leaning on a stack of books. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL. Searching for SoTL literature."

Searching for SoTL Literature

60-Second SoTL – Episode 35 This week’s episode features an article from the open-access journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, and examines strategies for conducting a literature search for scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) projects: Healey, Mick, and Ruth L. Healey. 2023. “Searching…