building partnerships graphic

Productive Disruptions: Building Partnerships

by Jessie L. Moore Last month I posited that four productive disruptions (scaling access, building partnerships, thinking globally locally, and closing the loop with the scholarship of teaching and learning) can foster creative problem-solving about learning initiatives on our campuses. In this post, I…

screenshot of What is Global Learning? YouTube video

What is Global Learning

When you research Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience, one of scholars‘ first challenges is understanding what we collectively mean by “global learning.” We asked participants in the Center’s Integrating Global Learning research seminar to share how the term is…

University College London building

Connected Curriculum at the University College of London

by Susannah McGowan The Connected Curriculum represents the University College of London’s (UCL) values-based approach to connecting its excellent reputation for world-renowned research to educational practices across the institution. European theoretical underpinnings of the initiative emphasize development of dispositions, talents,…

Tuning SoTL map of the United States

Tuning the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

by Peter Felten Inspired by European initiatives and by calls across the United States for higher education to be more accountable for student learning, the American Historical Association has coordinated a nationwide, faculty-led project on Tuning the History Discipline in…

Access, Success, Scale chart

Productive Disruptions: Scaling Access

by Jessie L. Moore Last week I posited that four productive disruptions (scaling access, building partnerships, thinking globally locally, and closing the loop with the scholarship of teaching and learning) can put pressure on our understanding of engaged learning and our…

productive disruptions to engaged learning graphic

Productive Disruptions in Engaged Learning Practices

by Jessie L. Moore In his 2013 book, Engaged Learning in the Academy: Challenges and Possibilities, David Thornton Moore writes that effective engaged learning pedagogies “induce the learner to look carefully at her experience, to question her own assumptions, to…

Ghana Winter Term 2013 Elon Study Abroad

Privilege and Study Abroad

by Amanda Sturgill One of my most profound global learning moments came quite close to home. I was attending the WISE conference at Wake Forest. I was talking to a gentleman who provides international service-learning experiences in South America about…

iMedia Fly-In Client Project

Global Learning and the University Experience

by Amanda Sturgill What does it mean to learn globally? The seminar had a presence at the AAC&U Conference on Global Learning in College: Defining, Developing and Assessing Institutional Roadmaps conference in October 2015. Co-leader Neal Sobania was part of a…