Freshman Mory Diakite engages in a thoughtful conversation with Damion Blake, assistant professor of political science and policy studies, during "The Black Man in America" class.

The Art of Crafting a Mentored CURE

In my last post, I argued that course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) can be a stepping stone for a student’s path toward mentored undergraduate research, but to yield equitable impact for historically underrepresented minority students (HURMS), CUREs must include mentorship…

quote: "equity is the acknowledgement that historically underrepresented minority students (HURMS) have been given unequal starting places."

Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, Oh My!

Can we review the differences among diversity, inclusion, and equity work? I think we should. In blogs written by Meg Bolger and Dr. Geraldine Cochran we are given tools to work through our understanding and often mistaken conflation of these…

Diverse Learning Environments Model

The Package I am In

Years ago I was reading a book with my oldest son, who after looking at the various dyadic pairs of characters on a particular page began to observe out loud who “matched” and who didn’t. He then moved the conversation…

The High Impact of Engaging Race Consciously 

For over a decade, Kuh’s (2008) work on the critical importance of engaged learning has shaped the undergraduate college and university experience. Taking part in at least one engaged learning practice, dubbed “High Impact Practices,” at some point during a…


The Critical Space of Underrepresented Minority Students

In the fall of 2015 protests erupted on many of the Nation’s elite and flagship public universities. When I think about this tumultuous time on college campuses, I immediately remember the picture of two collegiate Black males from the University…

2015 Elon students at Commencement

Compositional Diversity Is A Start But Not Enough!

Twenty years ago in the darkness of an incredibly early August morning, I hugged my mother goodbye, loaded the last box in my aunt’s car, took my position in the passenger seat, and started the eight hour drive from Boston…