April 7, 2020Immersion is a Structure, and a Constructby Phillip MotleyThe coronavirus pandemic has slowed, but not stopped, my investigation of immersive learning practices in higher education. In particular, my plans to conduct in-person interviews of university teaching faculty about their experiences with immersive learning have been delayed. However, due…
April 2, 2020Critical Mentoring is Custom Fitted to the Studentby Buffie Longmire-AvitalThere is no shortage of research on the importance of mentorship within high impact practices for students from underrepresented minority backgrounds. We know that mentorship builds resilience (Inman, 2020; Ramos 2019) and facilitates retention (Davis, 2017; Wilson et al., 2012),…
March 10, 2020Defining the Characteristics of Immersive Learningby Phillip MotleyAttempting to fully define the characteristics of immersive learning is a distinct challenge. What pedagogies count and which ones don’t? Is there a specific line in the sand that demarcates what is and isn’t immersive learning, and if so, where…
February 20, 2020Supporting Integrative Learning Through Prompted ReflectionThe Center’s director, Jessie L. Moore, and Elon colleagues Paul C. Miller (Assistant Provost for Academic Operations and Communications) and Danielle Lake (Director of Design Thinking) presented “Supporting Integrative Learning Through Prompted Reflection: Developing a Mentoring Toolkit for HIPs” on…
February 13, 2020Curricular Structures That Facilitate Immersive Learningby Phillip MotleyAs part of my exploration of pedagogies that constitute immersive learning, it is hard to ignore Elon University’s robust use of a specific curricular structure: our winter term. Every January at Elon, students can elect to enroll in a single,…
December 17, 2019Establishing Equity in Study Abroad Experiences: Three Recommendationsby Buffie Longmire-AvitalStudy abroad is still a high impact practice (HIP) with massive racial and ethnic disparities in participation rates and destinations. According, to NAFSA data, nearly 71% of students who study abroad identify themselves as white and 54% of study abroad…
December 10, 2019Immersive Learning at ISSOTLby Phillip Motley My previous two blog posts on immersive learning have touched on experiences that I am directly involved with at Elon University. While I feel strongly that both approaches to teaching and learning are clear examples of immersive…
December 4, 2019Pedagogical Partnerships Interview with Authorsby Sophia AbbotTo celebrate the release of Pedagogical Partnerships: A How-To Guide for Faculty, Students, and Academic Developers in Higher Education (Cook-Sather, Bahti, & Ntem 2019), I spoke to the authors about their experience practicing and writing about pedagogical partnerships. We started…
November 13, 2019(Re)Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences2020-2022 Center for Engaged Learning Research Seminar Year 1: July 5-10, 2020 Year 2: June 27-July 2, 2021 Year 3: June 26-July 1, 2022 Deadline to Apply: January 6, 2020 Work by the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U),…
November 12, 2019Feminist Community Engagementby Sophia Abbot The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) lists service-learning or community-based learning among 11 high impact practices in education, and it’s not difficult to see why. The praxis (theory, practice, reflection) of service-learning promotes students’ deep…