"Mentoring relationships are sustained, developmental, and learner-centered."

Mentoring for Learner Success: Defining Mentoring Relationships

In 2020, Elon University became one of ten institutions in the inaugural cohort of the American Council on Education (ACE) inclusive learning community called the Learner Success Lab (LSL), with an institutional focus on Mentoring for Learner Success. Elon’s 2030…

A quote by Dr. Longmire-Avital discussing how to construct an equitable apology.

The High Impact of an Equitable Apology

Brantmeier (2013) outlines a strategy for adopting a pedagogical approach of vulnerability that frames a co-constructed learning space between the educator and the student that both fosters trust and sustains effective diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts. The vulnerability should be mutual…

Mentoring with Mental Health in Mind

We have been mentoring students for decades in undergraduate research and have always been curious about ways to enhance our craft as mentors and co-mentors. In our work we have realized the value of the Salient Practices Framework for Undergraduate…