August 12, 2022Mentoring for Learner Success: Mentoring is not (just) having a cup of coffee, part 3by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Cynthia Fair, and Caroline KetchamIn part 1 of this blog series, we introduced mentoring as more than (just) having a cup of coffee, and in part 2, we shared snapshots from our own experiences with mentoring relationships. In this final post in the series,…
August 10, 2022Mentoring for Learner Success: Mentoring is not (just) having a cup of coffee, part 2by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Cynthia Fair, and Caroline KetchamIn Part 1 of this blog series, we described mentoring as situated in a larger sociocultural context and understood holistically and longitudinally, rather than as a snapshot of a meaningful moment (e.g., having a cup of coffee). In this post,…
August 8, 2022Mentoring for Learner Success: Mentoring is not (just) having a cup of coffee, part 1by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Cynthia Fair, and Caroline KetchamWhat comes to mind when you hear the word mentor? What images and emotions are evoked by the term mentoring? Acknowledging that the concept of mentoring has become ubiquitous, not only in higher education but also in popular culture and…
April 6, 2022Mentoring for Learner Success: Defining Mentoring Relationshipsby Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler and Jessie L. MooreIn 2020, Elon University became one of ten institutions in the inaugural cohort of the American Council on Education (ACE) inclusive learning community called the Learner Success Lab (LSL), with an institutional focus on Mentoring for Learner Success. Elon’s 2030…
January 11, 2022Centering Inclusivity (and Mentoring?) in Undergraduate Researchby Eric HallRecently the Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR) updated their definition of undergraduate research. The change was made in an effort to broaden the scope of undergraduate research (UR) and give attention to issues related to equity, diversity and inclusion. The…
December 28, 2021Peer Mentoring for Belonging, Inclusion, and Student Developmentby Eric E. HallOver the summer, I was reintroduced to the literature surrounding peer mentoring as a result of being a co-leader for the Center for Engaged Learning Research Seminar – (Re)Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences. My lens through which I often…
December 14, 2021The High Impact of an Equitable Apologyby Buffie Longmire-AvitalBrantmeier (2013) outlines a strategy for adopting a pedagogical approach of vulnerability that frames a co-constructed learning space between the educator and the student that both fosters trust and sustains effective diversity, inclusion, and equity efforts. The vulnerability should be mutual…
December 7, 2021Mentoring Across Differences: A Common-Sense Guide to Working and Mentoring Across Genders in Higher Educationby Caroline J. KetchamI have been thinking a lot lately about the climates we create in higher education that are giving mixed messages to members of our community, particularly around gendered relationships, often characterized by the outdated binary gender labels (Sérráno 2019) still…
November 2, 2021Mentoring with Mental Health in Mindby Eric E. Hall and Caroline J. KetchamWe have been mentoring students for decades in undergraduate research and have always been curious about ways to enhance our craft as mentors and co-mentors. In our work we have realized the value of the Salient Practices Framework for Undergraduate…
September 2, 2021Mentoring for Learner Success: Developmental Mentoring Relationshipsby Maureen Vandermaas-PeelerI have a few [mentors] that have just been absolutely phenomenal. I would say that mentoring has been the cornerstone of my Elon experience. I didn’t expect that when I came in, but I have been absolutely overjoyed with the…