Two people sit at a small round table, talking. Several windows are nearby, and you can see a city view. Text overlay says, "Institution type, enrollment status, and academic program in internship participation"

Identifying Factors that Influence WIL Participation

Work-integrated learning can be a valuable part of a student’s collegiate experience. Among the most common WIL experiences has been the internship, which is “a form of experiential education that exists to introduce practical realities and processes to students while…

Three people are gathered in a workplace setting. Two are standing and one sits in a wheelchair. In the perimeter of the photo are variable height desks and tables. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Work-Integrated Learning."

Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Work-Integrated Learning

60-Second SoTL – Episode 18 This week’s episode features an open-access article from the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management and examines the perceptions and experiences of students with disabilities regarding work-integrated learning placements: Dollinger, Mollie, Rachel Finneran, and Rola Ajjawi. 2022….

A woman sits at a table with her hands poised on a laptop keyboard. Another woman looks over her shoulder and points towards the laptop with a pencil.

Outcomes of Supervisor and Mentor Support in Internships

60-Second SoTL – Episode 10 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open access International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning and explores how supervisor and mentor support shape students’ outcomes in internship experiences: Ali, Abdifatah A., Philip Gardner, and Brandy Edmondson….

How Do You Successfully “Fail” as a Team?

What happens when you put a small team of highly experienced staff working within work-integrated learning in higher education, who have never met, together to form a research team? What do you do when you realise that we all wear…

Icon of a microphone above an icon of sound waves, with the phrase "Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Work-Integrated Learning"

Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Work-Integrated Learning

60-Second SoTL – Episode 6 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open-access International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning and explores Indigenous students’ experiences with employability initiatives, including work-integrated learning: Keen, Joel, and Michelle J. Eady. 2022. “Amplifying Indigenous student…