May 16, 2017Toward a National Agenda for SLCE?by Lori E. Kniffin, Patti H. Clayton, & Sarah E. StanlickIn an earlier blog post, we introduced the Service-Learning and Community Engagement Future Directions Project (SLCE-FDP). We invited you to join this learning community and contribute your own thinking in response to the questions: What is your vision for the…
May 9, 2017Community Members on SLCE PartnershipsCompiled by Patti H. Clayton We are co-educators. That is not our organization’s bottom line, but that’s what we do. [SLCE community partner] This blog post will be a bit different than the others in this series, less an essay and…
May 2, 2017Students as Co-Creators of SLCEby Patti H. Clayton & Alexa StoutWe have to keep striving, not only towards fulfilling the hope that all students will become active citizens, but the intention that they will be active citizens, that they will be committed to changing their own lives and the lives of those…
April 28, 2017Engaged Education: Not For Undergraduates Onlyby Lori E. Kniffin & Patti H. ClaytonA decade ago, research suggested that, when it came to graduate education, colleges and universities focused more on disciplinary knowledge than civic engagement, despite the emphasis on the latter at the undergraduate level (Stanton & Wagner, 2006). Graduate students in…
March 7, 2017SLCE Future Directions Project: Co-Creating the Future of the SLCE Movementby Patti H. Clayton, Sarah E. Stanlick, & Lori E. KniffinWhat is your vision for the future of SLCE? Why? What must we particularly attend to in order to support the flourishing of the work in this direction? An initiative we are particularly excited about is the Service-Learning and Community…
February 28, 2017SLCE Scholarship: Broadening the Who, the Where, and the Whatby Lori E. Kniffin & Patti H. ClaytonThroughout these blog posts we use the term “practitioner-scholar” to refer to anyone who partners in SLCE with a spirit of inquiry; connects their practice, learning, and curiosity with others; and thereby advances knowledge and practice. “Practice” in SLCE includes…
February 22, 2017Civic Learningby Stephanie T. Stokamer & Patti H. Clayton Perhaps most fundamentally, the raison d’etre for service-learning and community engagement (SLCE)—the upshot of the range of answers to the “why SLCE” question explored in the second blog post—is civic learning. Consensus…
January 31, 2017Why Service-Learning and Community Engagement?by Lori E. Kniffin & Patti H. ClaytonWhat is behind the not-uncommon question “Why service-learning and community engagement (SLCE)?” Are the questioners wondering “Why should the academy invest in this?” … “Why should I consider teaching in this unfamiliar way?” … “Why isn’t community service sufficient?” Are…
January 24, 2017An Introduction to Service-Learning and Community Engagement as Co-Inquiryby Patti H. Clayton & Lori E. KniffinIn the summer of 2016, I brought together (in beautiful southwest Virginia) several friends and colleagues who have been involved in service-learning and community engagement (SLCE) for some time to think and write about our work, including about the current…