Lecture hall of students with white walls and geometric design. text reads: While faculty-student relationships are difficult to scale, connecting students purposefully with each other is possible even in the largest enrollment classes."

“What Works” When Building Educational Relationships? 

As we noted in our previous post in this two-part analysis (Puckett and Felten 2024), student-faculty and student-student relationships contribute significantly to learning, motivation, identity development, well-being, and graduation rates in higher education (Felten and Lambert 2020). The positive effects…

Black text reads"Over 1,800 faculty say time, institutional factors, and well-being are barriers to creating relationsuops with and among students." In the background is angular layers of opaque gray overtop a black and white image of students and faculty in motion going up and down a stairwell on a college campus.

What Are Barriers to Relationship-Rich Education? Faculty Perspectives  

Student-faculty, student-staff, and student-student relationships contribute significantly to student learning, motivation, identity development, well-being, graduation rates, and post-graduation career and civic outcomes in higher education (Mayhew et al. 2016; Felten and Lambert 2020). The effects of student-faculty interactions are particularly…

Elon University Poll / Center for Engaged Learning 2021 Survey of 1800+ US college graduates: 50% participated in internships or work placements; 71% received feedback on final projects multiple times; 55% had meaningful relationships with faculty and staff; 85% thought college was probably or definitely "worth it"

Meaningful Learning Experiences and the Value of a College Degree

A recent survey by the Center for Engaged Learning and the Elon University Poll explored the types of meaningful learning experiences college graduates had while in school and how college helped them develop skills they’re applying in their professional careers….

Cover to report "Supporting Transfer STudent Success: Five Key Faculty Practices" and "This new report explores "five research-informed practices designed to help faculty reflect on and reframe the ways they think about, teach, advise, and mentor transfer students."

Faculty Practices to Support Transfer Student Success

Nearly 40% of all US undergraduate students transfer between institutions at least once, and at some colleges and university more than half of all students have transferred (Shapiro et al. 2018). Many students successfully navigate transfer, earning their degrees at…

Can we teach curiosity?

by Peter Felten Curiosity might be bad for cats, but it is essential for human learning. As Eleanor Duckworth notes, “What you do about what you don’t know is, in the final analysis, what determines what you will know” (The…

The Undergraduate Experience

Improvement Matters

by Peter Felten This post originally appeared as a NILOA Guest Viewpoint on the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment website. This Viewpoint summarizes important takeaways found in Chapter 6 of “The Undergraduate Experience: Focusing Institutions on What Matters Most”…