September 30, 2021Through the Eyes of a Student: An Essential Shift in Positionalityby Christina Wyatt, Ellery Ewell, and Sophie MillerTo briefly recap our last post, we (the first team of CEL Student Scholars) detailed our experience navigating feelings of imposter syndrome within our first few days at the 2021 (Re)examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences Seminar. As the research…
September 7, 2021Including Students in Multi-Institutional Scholarship of Teaching and Learningby Eric Hall, Buffie Longmire-Avital, and Jessie L. MooreIn a recent blog post, the three inaugural Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) Student Scholars responded to an invitation to document their experiences engaging in CEL’s 2021-2023 research seminar, Re-Examining Conditions for Meaningful Learning Experiences. During their preparation for the…
July 30, 2021Through the Eyes of a Student: An Interdisciplinary, Multi-institutional Research Seminarby Christina Wyatt, Sophie Miller, and Ellery EwellAs defined by the Center’s website, “the Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) Student Scholar program is a three-year, mentored opportunity for students to collaborate with Elon University faculty and staff on CEL’s international, multi-institutional research on specific engaged learning topics….
July 12, 2021Self-Interview with the Authors of Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnershipsby Alise de Bie, Elizabeth Marquis, Alison Cook-Sather, and Leslie Patricia LuqueñoWhat inspired us to write Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnerships? Alise: I suppose it’s most honest to say I found my way to the book through loneliness as a Mad/disabled/queer graduate student, and that it was these experiences…
June 28, 2021Start with Loneliness: Conceiving a Framework for Promoting Equity and Justiceby Alise de BieMy experiences as a Mad/disabled/queer graduate student were incredibly lonely. It was these experiences of loneliness that led me to participate in pedagogical partnerships with faculty, staff, and fellow students, and that informed my contributions to the theoretical framework for…
June 14, 2021Learning to Honor My Own Epistemology: The Long-Term Effects of Student-Faculty Partnershipsby Leslie Patricia LuqueñoAs I have transitioned out of my undergraduate institution and into an elite graduate school, I have increasingly seen and experienced first-hand the confidence-building and harm-redressing potential of pedagogical partnership. When I was an undergraduate at Haverford College, I participated…
June 7, 2021Bringing Co-Creation in Learning and Teaching to Your Classroomby Eric Hall and Kristina MeinkingIn this accessible and informative new text, Co-creating Learning and Teaching: Towards relational pedagogy in higher education, Catherine Bovill offers readers a useful framework and scholarly context for co-creation in learning and teaching (CCLT). Faculty and staff who are curious…
May 20, 2021What Students Say about Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnershipby Alison Cook-Sather, with contributions from Beth Marquis“One word I would use to describe this program is ‘healing.’” That’s how undergraduate student Alexis Giron describes her experience of pedagogical partnership in the foreword to Promoting Equity and Justice through Pedagogical Partnership. Alexis explains that she had “the…
November 19, 2020Pedagogical Partnerships and The Power of Partnership: A Roadmap to Revolutionizing Higher Edby Ketevan KupatadzePedagogical partnerships or students-as-partners pedagogy has become increasingly popular internationally due to its promise to be transformative in building considerably more equitable and collaborative relationships between diverse players in higher education institutions, most importantly between students and faculty/staff (Matthews, Cook-Sather,…
November 4, 2020Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching: A Retrospectiveby Sophia Abbot and Cameron ShirleyIn their book Engaging Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching (2014), Alison Cook-Sather, Catherine Bovill, and Peter Felten present a definition of and guiding principles for partnership work, both of which have remained relevant through the last six years….