Three people are gathered in a workplace setting. Two are standing and one sits in a wheelchair. In the perimeter of the photo are variable height desks and tables. An overlay reads, "60-Second SoTL: Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Work-Integrated Learning."

Experiences of Students with Disabilities in Work-Integrated Learning

60-Second SoTL – Episode 18 This week’s episode features an open-access article from the Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management and examines the perceptions and experiences of students with disabilities regarding work-integrated learning placements: Dollinger, Mollie, Rachel Finneran, and Rola Ajjawi. 2022….

Two people sit at a table with a book open in front of them. One points at a line with a pencil, while the other person rests their hand on the page. An overlay reads, "Staff Experiences Supporting Diverse Learners"

Staff Experiences Supporting Students from Equity Groups

60-Second SoTL – Episode 13 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Studies in Higher Education and examines academic and support staff members’ experiences supporting low socio-economic status and non-traditional students: Macqueen, Suzanne, Erica Southgate, and Jill Scevak. (2022). “Supporting students from equity groups:…

"Teaching Race and Racial Justice. Featuring the Teaching & Learning Inquiry / ISSOTL Nancy Chick Article of the Year"

Teaching Race and Racial Justice

60-Second SoTL – Episode 11 This episode features the Nancy Chick Article of the Year for the 2021 volume of Teaching and Learning Inquiry (announced at the 2022 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference) and examines course-planning…

Icon of a microphone above an icon of sound waves, with the phrase "Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Work-Integrated Learning"

Amplifying Indigenous Voices in Work-Integrated Learning

60-Second SoTL – Episode 6 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open-access International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning and explores Indigenous students’ experiences with employability initiatives, including work-integrated learning: Keen, Joel, and Michelle J. Eady. 2022. “Amplifying Indigenous student…

Laptop with image of seven people who appear to come from different identity groups

Institutional Diversity Messaging in Higher Education

60-Second SoTL – Episode 4 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Teaching and Learning Inquiry on institutional messaging about diversity, inclusion, and equity in higher education. The featured project offers a great example of student-as-partners in scholarship of teaching and…

A large atrium with many windows, filled with students. A male student sits in the foreground, he wears an Elon sweatshirt and is looking down at a laptop."Creating interactive, inclusive content to engage students as they scroll through media feeds is vital to engage students and facilitate social connections."

Using Social Media to Support Student Peer Relationships

As academics from a large, modern UK university (Claire) and a medium-sized public US university (Mimi), we have been working with the Center for Engaged Learning as attendees in the (Re)Examining Meaningful Learning Experiences research seminar series for the last…