CEL Book Review "The inclusion of multiple voices and especially the offering of 'critical questions' invite readers to think holistically about their teaching practice and to engage in conversation with one another." -Eric Hall and Kristina Meinking

Bringing Co-Creation in Learning and Teaching to Your Classroom

In this accessible and informative new text, Co-creating Learning and Teaching: Towards relational pedagogy in higher education, Catherine Bovill offers readers a useful framework and scholarly context for co-creation in learning and teaching (CCLT). Faculty and staff who are curious…

Section three graphic illustration by Sam Hester

The Power of Partnership, Section 3: Growing Partnership

Lucy Mercer-Mapstone and I started The Power of Partnership to explicitly explore some of the unexamined challenges and bumps-in-the-road of partnership. So, why do we include a whole section titled, “Growing Partnership” (Section 3)? Many critical pedagogues write about both challenging power…

Section two graphic illustration

The Power of Partnership, Section Two: The Interstices

Section 2 of The Power of Partnership is called “Intersections.” Sam Hester’s opening illustration for the section fully embraces this theme. She visually disrupts boundaries and juxtaposes apparent opposites, suggesting that the space where those opposites meet — the “and”…

Pedagogical Partnerships Interview with Authors

To celebrate the release of Pedagogical Partnerships: A How-To Guide for Faculty, Students, and Academic Developers in Higher Education (Cook-Sather, Bahti, & Ntem 2019), I spoke to the authors about their experience practicing and writing about pedagogical partnerships.  We started…