HomePublicationsOpen Access Series Writing about Learning and Teaching in Higher EducationCreating and Contributing to Scholarly Conversations across a Range of Genresby Mick Healey, Kelly E. Matthews, and Alison Cook-SatherDownload Book Book MenuWriting about Learning and Teaching in Higher Education SectionsPart 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6ChaptersChapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30About the Authors Book Resources Book Reviews Download BookOpen access PDFdoi.org/10.36284/celelon.oa3ISBN: 978-1-951414-04-7September 20202.6 MBMetrics: 23141 views | 8824 downloadsISBN: 978-1-951414-05-4September 2020 (Temporarily Unavailable) Writing about Learning and Teaching in Higher Education offers detailed guidance to scholars at all stages—experienced and new academics, graduate students, and undergraduates—regarding how to write about learning and teaching in higher education. It evokes established practices, recommends new ones, and challenges readers to expand notions of scholarship by describing reasons for publishing across a range of genres, from the traditional empirical research article to modes such as stories and social media that are newly recognized in scholarly arenas. The book provides practical guidance for scholars in writing each genre—and in getting them published. To illustrate how choices about writing play out in practice, we share throughout the book our own experiences as well as reflections from a range of scholars, including both highly experienced, widely published experts and newcomers to writing about learning and teaching in higher education. The diversity of voices we include is intended to complement the variety of genres we discuss, enacting as well as arguing for an embrace of multiplicity in writing about learning and teaching in higher education. “This book is a real gift. Books about writing can be pretty pedestrian, but the authors have truly invited readers into a conversation. . . . Most important, it’s beautifully written — with a great voice — scholarly but personal.” Table of ContentsPart 1: Understanding the Book and Meeting the AuthorsChapter 1: Articulating our Goals: Origins, Audiences, and StructureChapter 2: Situating Our Work: Focus, Motivation, Educational Research, and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)Part 2: Embracing the Potential of Writing about Learning and TeachingChapter 3: Creating and Contributing to Scholarly Conversations through WritingChapter 4: Fostering Identity through a Values-based Approach to WritingChapter 5: Conceptualizing Writing as a Learning ProcessPart 3: Clarifying Your Purpose and Preparing to DraftChapter 6: Reflecting on MotivationsChapter 7: Writing Alone or with OthersChapter 8: Choosing an OutletChapter 9: Selecting a TitleChapter 10: Preparing the AbstractPart 4: Writing in Different GenresChapter 11: Extending the Conventional Writing GenresChapter 12: Analyzing and Reporting Data: Empirical Research ArticlesChapter 13: Advancing New Perspectives: Theoretical and Conceptual ArticlesChapter 14: Synthesizing What We Already Know: Literature ReviewsChapter 15: Focusing on Practical Experiences: Case StudiesChapter 16: Telling a Bigger Story: Books and Edited CollectionsChapter 17: Talking About Learning and Teaching: Conference and Workshop PresentationsChapter 18: Revealing the Process: Reflective EssaysChapter 19: Provoking Thought: Opinion PiecesChapter 20: Sharing Everyday Experiences: StoriesChapter 21: Engaging in Scholarly Conversations Online: Social MediaChapter 22: Applying, Reflecting, and Evidencing: Teaching Awards, Fellowships, and PromotionsPart 5: Writing Efficiently, Effectively, and EnergizinglyChapter 23: Allotting Time and Choosing Space to WriteChapter 24: Writing and Rewriting Your DraftChapter 25: Becoming an Engaging WriterChapter 26: Seeking Networks, Critical Friends, and FeedbackPart 6: Submitting, Responding to Reviewers, and Promoting Your WorkChapter 27: Preparing for SubmissionChapter 28: Responding to Reviewers and Dealing with RejectionChapter 29: Promoting Your Published Work and Developing a Publication PlanChapter 30: Conclusion: Reflecting on the Potential of Writing about Learning and Teaching Share: