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ISBN: 978-1-951414-04-7

September 2020

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ISBN: 978-1-951414-05-4

September 2020 (Temporarily Unavailable)

Chapter 3 unpacks the metaphor of writing as creating and contributing to conversations, and it emphasizes the multitude of communities that have different conversations about learning and teaching.

Discussion Questions

  1. How do your personal, cultural, and institutional identities inform the choices you might make about creating and communicating within a scholarly community?
  2. What are the taken-for-granted writing norms in your discipline? How does writing about your learning and teaching allow you to communicate through writing in new ways?
  3. Who are the scholars you want to be in dialogue with?
  4. What is the cultural context for your learning and teaching? How does that context influence the scholarly conversation you are in, seek to contribute to, or hope to create?