Randy Bass screenshot

Year in Review: Videos – Part 2

This month we’re taking a look back at some of the Center for Engaged Learning’s most watched videos in 2014 and pairing them with some you might have missed. Created for ISSOTL Online 2013 for the Studying and Designing for…

Lee Shulman at ISSOTL 2013

Year in Review: Videos – Part 1

This month we’re taking a look back at some of the Center for Engaged Learning’s most watched videos in 2014 and pairing them with some you might have missed. We launched the Lee Shulman on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning series in…


Collaborative Communities and Mentoring Undergraduate Research

by Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler Can participation in undergraduate research help to facilitate sustained, collaborative and multi-disciplinary partnerships between students and faculty mentors, as well as partnerships that extend beyond the institutional walls?  At a recent workshop sponsored by the Council for Undergraduate…

Seminar participants link the multi-institutional research efforts and their institutional research goals

Fostering Institutional and Multi-Institutional Research

When the Center for Engaged Learning releases calls for applications for our research seminars, we often field questions about how many people can apply from an institution and how the multi-institutional research seminars support institutional research. Many applicants are the…

Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience announcement image

Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience

Elon University is pleased to announce the 2015-2017 Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) Research Seminar on Integrating Global Learning with the University Experience: Higher-Impact Study Abroad and Off-Campus Domestic Study. This three-summer research seminar facilitates multi-institutional research on study abroad…

book cover: Writing Across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and Sites of Writing

Writing and the Question of Transfer: Content Matters

The 2011-2013 Elon University Research Seminar on Critical Transitions: Writing and the Question of Transfer supported multi-institutional research by 45 scholars and resulted in an impressive (and still growing) list of conference presentations and publications. Writing across Contexts: Transfer, Composition, and…

A team of interactive media students arrive on location in Costa Rica

Study Abroad and Pre-Professional Programs

According to the most recent statistics, nearly 300,000 U. S. students now study abroad, while close to one million students from other nations are studying abroad in the U. S. In an upcoming Center for Engaged Learning (CEL) seminar on…