Two women sit at a desk. One has a laptop open with her hand hovering over the trackpad. Both have cups and saucers in front of them. An overlay reads, "Talking Through Feedback."

Dialogic Feed-Forward

60-Second SoTL – Episode 16 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Teaching & Learning Inquiry and examines the long-term feedback literacy outcomes of supplementing written feedback with a student-instructor meeting to discuss student-led action plans for improvement: Hill, Jennifer,…

A hand holds a marker putting the finishing touches on an arrow pointing right. Above the arrow is the phrase "future-oriented feedback."

Future-Oriented Feedback

60-Second SoTL – Episode 15 Featuring an open-access article from the Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, this episode explores how feedback type, feedback orientation, and goal orientation inform feedback effectiveness for student learning: Paulson Gjerde, Kathy, Deborah Skinner, and…

A group of people stand in front of a house with a grass roof. One person is pointing to something ahead of the group but out of frame. An overlay reads, "Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts."

Mentoring Undergraduate Research in Global Contexts

60-Second SoTL – Episode 14 This week’s episode features an article from the Journal on Excellence in College Teaching and explores how faculty and staff support learning and development when they mentor undergraduate research in global contexts: Cruz, Laura, Maureen Vandermaas-Peeler, Amy L….

Two people sit at a table with a book open in front of them. One points at a line with a pencil, while the other person rests their hand on the page. An overlay reads, "Staff Experiences Supporting Diverse Learners"

Staff Experiences Supporting Students from Equity Groups

60-Second SoTL – Episode 13 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Studies in Higher Education and examines academic and support staff members’ experiences supporting low socio-economic status and non-traditional students: Macqueen, Suzanne, Erica Southgate, and Jill Scevak. (2022). “Supporting students from equity groups:…

Cartoon image of a person pointing to five stars above cartoon representations of rating or review comments. To the side, text reads: "Feedback encounters: Understanding how students engage with feedback. Listen now."

Feedback Encounters

60-Second SoTL – Episode 12 This week’s episode features an open-access article from Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education and explores feedback encounters as a framework for studying feedback processes: Jensen, Lasse X., Margaret Bearman, and David Boud. 2022. “Feedback Encounters:…

"Teaching Race and Racial Justice. Featuring the Teaching & Learning Inquiry / ISSOTL Nancy Chick Article of the Year"

Teaching Race and Racial Justice

60-Second SoTL – Episode 11 This episode features the Nancy Chick Article of the Year for the 2021 volume of Teaching and Learning Inquiry (announced at the 2022 International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference) and examines course-planning…

A woman sits at a table with her hands poised on a laptop keyboard. Another woman looks over her shoulder and points towards the laptop with a pencil.

Outcomes of Supervisor and Mentor Support in Internships

60-Second SoTL – Episode 10 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open access International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning and explores how supervisor and mentor support shape students’ outcomes in internship experiences: Ali, Abdifatah A., Philip Gardner, and Brandy Edmondson….

A women works at a computer while three other people look over her shoulder. In the top left corner is a heart icon with an EKG symbol. In the bottom left corner are the words, "How does engaging in authentic, mentored undergraduate research contribute to student well-being?"

Undergraduate Research and Student Well-Being

60-Second SoTL – Episode 9 This week’s episode features a recent open-access article from Studies in Higher Education and explores how engaging in authentic, mentored undergraduate research can contribute to student well-being: Walkington, Helen, and Belinda Ommering. 2022. “How Does…

A man and a woman look at a tablet that the woman holds. She points to something on the screen. An overlay reads, "What challenges do instructors experience in providing effective feedback?"

Challenges to Providing Effective Feedback

60-Second SoTL – Episode 8 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open-access journal, Teaching & Learning Inquiry, and explores instructors’ perspectives on challenges to providing effective feedback: Paris, Brit M. 2022. “Instructors’ Perspectives of Challenges and Barriers…

In the background is a cityscape of London. In the foreground, six icons of people circle a globe in the top right corner. In the top left corner is the question "How might a group mentorship scheme with students, alumni, and staff support student learning in a distance education experience?" The 60-Second SoTL podcast logo appears in the bottom right corner.

Triadic Partnership Mentoring

60-Second SoTL – Episode 7 This week’s episode features a recent article from the open-access International Journal for Students as Partners and explores how a group mentorship scheme with students, alumni, and staff supports student learning in a distance education experience:…